COOLFill model ‘TP-27’

COOLFill TP-27 is utilized in sectors where the water source may contain relatively higher SS concentration (upto 150PPM) or the makeup water source may be seawater.



TP-27 is a cross fluted film fill that works on the principle of water droplets developing a fine film on the surface of the media. The surface tension of the polymer holds the film long enough for efficient heat transfer with the ambient air.

Features and Advantages

  • Virgin PVC resin is processed on in-house T-die/calendering units, which ensure proper fusion of PVC and other additives. The process thus imparts superior mechanical and physical properties to the fill sheet as well as also ensures uniform thickness on the sheet. Most fill manufacturers outsource the film from outside reprocessing units.
  • Larger flute height makes the fill more forgiving to fouling water sources. The fill openings do not get blocked as easily even with scale build up.
  • The higher opening in fill modules allows comparatively dirty water/untreated re-circulated water without clogging the fill for a longer period of time.
  • Double folded edges that impart maximum strength at critical load bearing points. A double edge folded COOLFill CD-27 with a thickness of 0.3mm (0.6 mm at the edges) will have the equivalent application strength of a comparable flute fill at 0.45 mm thick.
  • Can be supplied in either module form from factory or assembled at location.

Technical Specifications

Characteristics TP-27
Primary Cooling Towers Application Counterflow
Flute height 27 mm
MOC Virgin rigid PVC
Longitudinal pitch 75 mm
UV Stabilization Black – Carbon Black
Spiral angle 28°
Std. Sheet size
L x W
1200 mm x 600mm
Recommended Max Fill
Sheet size L x W
1800 mm x 600 mm
Surface area per unit volume 120 m²/m³
Standard Weight 21 Kgs/m3
Maximum continuous Operating temp. 55 °C
Minimum Fill Sheet Finished Thickness 0.3 mm
Standard Followed for Material properties CTI STD-136