Cellular Drift eliminators

TP-S130/146, made out of rigid PVC, is designed to remove maximum entrained drift particles from air stream efficiently, with minimum pressure drop, thereby reducing the fan power requirement



Water droplets are separated from the air drift at the three direction change points on the drift eliminator. The TP-S130/146 drift eliminators provide a rugged cellular structure formed by the solvent bonding of sinusoidal shaped corrugated sheets. Individual S-shaped corrugated sheets are bonded with subsequent layers to create the structure. The entire area is thus divided into several smaller S-shaped mini zones.

Features and Advantages

  • The modules are provided additional strength by the insertion of stiffener sheets at regular intervals.
  • Cellular type drift eliminators offer the highest drift elimination efficiency while introducing a lower static pressure drop
  • The eliminators can be assembled as well as cut at the field installation to ensure tight fit.

Technical Specifications

Characteristics TP-S130/TP-S146
Material Rigid PVC
Maximum Face Velocity 4.5 m/sec
Module Length Can be chosen in 600-mm increments.

Max suggested length – 1800-mm
Module Depth 130 / 146 mm
Pitch 20 mm
Maximum Spacing of Support with

standard thickness of sheets
800 mm
Directional changes for air flow 3
Standard Thickness (Corrugated/Plain) 0.3mm/0.4mm
Average Weight 7.6 / 8.5 kgs/m2
Expected Drift Loss < 0.001% / 0.0005% of circulating water
Maximum Continuous Temperature (deg Celsius) 55°C